Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Transformation Tuesday

Transformation Tuesday: I went to High School with Janet. We lost touch for many many years. This is her story. She told me she began intentionally working out at the Y and eating healthier in June 2013, she saw I was doing a your free push up challenge in August...lost around 30 lbs. The breast cancer diagnosis came in October; surgery in November; radiation January thru March. We kept in touch, I saw her struggle and how brave she was. I also would tell her about Shakeology every other day. smile emoticon She began drinking it AND then pushed play on p90x April 14th. Did not know what the X stood for, but soon found out. She has completed multiple rounds of P90X and 21 Day Fix, and one round of P90X3. Have lost somewhere around 55 lbs and 20.25 inches. And just keeps going. She is kind obsessed with Tony Horton (in a good way), and has abs of steel. I tell her she is my greatest success story because she has done group after group with me, has the most positive attitude and work ethic. She helps me rally the other troops when needed, and is such a gift in my life. I mean she sent ME someting for my trip to Cancun when I should be thanking her. She became my friend again most importantly. Calls me when I am down, and is a gift from God. Please help me celebrate Janet with her one year Beachbody journey!

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