Monday, April 6, 2015

Sugar & Yogurt, Yogurt & Sugar

Did you know sugar is more addicting than herion or cocaine? Isn't that crazy? In the past few months, I have listened to a lot of podcasts, read, etc on sugar. It is dangerous. It is what is causing the obesity trend in America. It is no longer fat free, or low fat. Check out the sugar content in those items versus the non fat free blown one. I did this at my mom's house over the holidays. I looked at her fat free salad dressing and my dad's ranch (he loves ranch). The ranch had a lot less sugar. Don't get me wrong I LOVE sugar. I mean who doesn't? But I bet we would all love drugs too if we tried them. eek! So I have not had yogurt in ages. I don't know why. Cause I am random. I went on the search today for some. I found Goat's milk yogurt. 7 grams of sugar in one serving which was about a cup. Some of them had like 33 grams of sugar. I thought yogurt was good for us! Isn't it weird? I am learning more and more every day. No, I am not an expert, but I am learning things and like to share them with people. SO, back to the goat yougurt. I had some with two packets of stevia and some almonds. GREAT snack! If you are wanting to get rid of that waistline, cut out the sugar! It helps! ENJOY!

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