Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Live Just Dont Exist

I had one of those workouts today that made me want to scream.  In a good way.  I am not one to LOVE working out but when I feel it, I feel it.  I felt it today.  It is a high you get from nothing else. No food, no drink, no person.  It is YOU, with YOU, working on making YOU better.  Then you walk away, with all of the confidence in the world.  You may not be at your goal.  Or life may not be perfect. BUT for a short amount of time it is you, all you, winning, sweating, feeling amazing.  It WORKS.  It rocks your world!  Surround yourself with this.  With people that want the same for YOU with you.  FOR YOU!  BE YOUtiful!!!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


There are so many blogs out there, why read mine?  I want to be different.  To a fault almost.  I was so long trying to be someone that I was not, that it was part of a downfall.  A people pleaser.  A "why is that person mad at me", that it ate me up inside.  Suffering from severe depression and anxiety, which we later discovered was bipolar, I would pace when someone would not respond to an email or text right away.  Thinking these horrible thoughts instead of the logical, "they might be busy and not read the darn thing".   It was silly but at the time I did not think so.  I had to learn to just let them be them and me be me.  I had to learn to LET GO of a lot of things.  Don't get me wrong, I still get upset from time to time, but it is different.  If I am hurt it is a different type of hurt.  God wired me differently.  I am OK with that.  I have accepted it.  My point is to be YOU.  Don't compare yourself to other people.  Don't want what they have.  Embrace the fact that you are who you are, because guess what, that is something you cannot change.  What you CAN change is bettering yourself . Spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.  If you want more in life you have to make it happen. It is not coming to you.  At least for the most of us.  I have had to work very hard for where I am now, and believe me, I have a long way to go. I have ups and downs.   Every pound, fought like you would not believe.  I am fighting it this moment.  Every accomplishment?  With a work ethic instilled in me since I was a little kid.  I have goals and dreams.  I know they are not going to be handed to me.  I know I am fighting against some odds right now.  But that will not stop me.  I have come a long way from the insecure person I once was.  I won't let her back in.  I will just the be quirky, different me and see where this takes me.  Who knows what I will say tomorrow.  I just hope you continue to stay along for the ride.  And that I can help you see the value of you!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Have you used the POLYVORE App before?  I am new to it, very new.  And apparently, I have super expensive taste.  And apparently, I have the same taste.  I put outfit one together a few weeks ago and forgot.  Tonight, I put outfit two together.  Nice.  I need to change it up a bit!

Cheesy Cauliflower Breadsticks

I have seen so  many people post this so I finally made it myself and it was a winner!  Husband did not even know what it was!

  • 4 cups of riced cauliflower (about 1 large head of cauliflower)
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 cups of mozzarella cheese (I used a Tex Mex blend because that's all I had)
  • 3 tsp oregano
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 1 to 2 cups mozzarella cheese (for topping)
  1. Preheat oven to 425 F degrees. Prepare 2 pizza dishes or a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Make sure your cauliflower is roughly chopped in florets. Add the florets to your food processor and pulse until cauliflower resembles rice.
  3. Place the cauliflower in a microwavable container and cover with lid. Microwave for 10 minutes. Place the microwaved cauliflower in a large bowl and add the 4 eggs, 2 cups of mozzarella,oregano, garlic and salt and pepper. Mix everything together.
  4. Separate the mixture in half and place each half onto the prepared baking sheets and shape into either a pizza crust, or a rectangular shape for the breadsticks.
  5. Bake the crust (no topping yet) for about 25 minutes or until nice and golden. Don't be afraid the crust is not soggy at all. Once golden, sprinkle with remaining mozzarella cheese and put back in the oven for another 5 minutes or until cheese has melted.
  6. Slice and serve.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Welcome to this CRAZY RIDE!

Here I am.  I have said for over a year I would start a blog.  I have a lot on my mind.  I don't know if anyone will read it.  Maybe 2?  Maybe 12?  I did something around 3 years ago that literally changed my life.  I discovered Beachbody.  Why on earth would that change someone's life?  Well, I am going to tell you on my blog.  Quick synopsis.  I joined an accountability group.  A place where I did a workout in my home , and started drinking this stuff called Shakeology?  WHAT?  I will tell you about it.  I lost weight, gained confidence, during a time where my life was pretty much at rock bottom.  When I was done I realized I needed to share this with the world .  SO I became a coach. NOW?  I am transparent.  To a fault.  But I discovered life again.  I found my passion at 40 years old.  I NEED and WANT to help others on SO many levels.  I have a lot to say.  About a lot of things.  Not to be controversial.  Not at all.  But I want people to know they matter.  To know they have self worth.  That they can work hard.  They they can wear fun clothes and who cares what anyone else thinks.  That it is OK to hurt because you can get back up.  That when your mom told you  years ago God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle and you wanted to scream, she was right.  I am excited to take this journey with you.