Tuesday, January 27, 2015


There are so many blogs out there, why read mine?  I want to be different.  To a fault almost.  I was so long trying to be someone that I was not, that it was part of a downfall.  A people pleaser.  A "why is that person mad at me", that it ate me up inside.  Suffering from severe depression and anxiety, which we later discovered was bipolar, I would pace when someone would not respond to an email or text right away.  Thinking these horrible thoughts instead of the logical, "they might be busy and not read the darn thing".   It was silly but at the time I did not think so.  I had to learn to just let them be them and me be me.  I had to learn to LET GO of a lot of things.  Don't get me wrong, I still get upset from time to time, but it is different.  If I am hurt it is a different type of hurt.  God wired me differently.  I am OK with that.  I have accepted it.  My point is to be YOU.  Don't compare yourself to other people.  Don't want what they have.  Embrace the fact that you are who you are, because guess what, that is something you cannot change.  What you CAN change is bettering yourself . Spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally.  If you want more in life you have to make it happen. It is not coming to you.  At least for the most of us.  I have had to work very hard for where I am now, and believe me, I have a long way to go. I have ups and downs.   Every pound, fought like you would not believe.  I am fighting it this moment.  Every accomplishment?  With a work ethic instilled in me since I was a little kid.  I have goals and dreams.  I know they are not going to be handed to me.  I know I am fighting against some odds right now.  But that will not stop me.  I have come a long way from the insecure person I once was.  I won't let her back in.  I will just the be quirky, different me and see where this takes me.  Who knows what I will say tomorrow.  I just hope you continue to stay along for the ride.  And that I can help you see the value of you!