Monday, January 19, 2015

Welcome to this CRAZY RIDE!

Here I am.  I have said for over a year I would start a blog.  I have a lot on my mind.  I don't know if anyone will read it.  Maybe 2?  Maybe 12?  I did something around 3 years ago that literally changed my life.  I discovered Beachbody.  Why on earth would that change someone's life?  Well, I am going to tell you on my blog.  Quick synopsis.  I joined an accountability group.  A place where I did a workout in my home , and started drinking this stuff called Shakeology?  WHAT?  I will tell you about it.  I lost weight, gained confidence, during a time where my life was pretty much at rock bottom.  When I was done I realized I needed to share this with the world .  SO I became a coach. NOW?  I am transparent.  To a fault.  But I discovered life again.  I found my passion at 40 years old.  I NEED and WANT to help others on SO many levels.  I have a lot to say.  About a lot of things.  Not to be controversial.  Not at all.  But I want people to know they matter.  To know they have self worth.  That they can work hard.  They they can wear fun clothes and who cares what anyone else thinks.  That it is OK to hurt because you can get back up.  That when your mom told you  years ago God doesn't give you anything you cannot handle and you wanted to scream, she was right.  I am excited to take this journey with you.

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