Monday, June 29, 2015

Meal Prep

I have mentioned this before and I will probably mention it again!

MEAL PREP IS KEY. It saves time, it saves you from going through a drive thru, it saves you from grabbing something else in the frig. It does not take that long. AND once you get into a groove, it becomes second nature.

This is what I did today: Cut up some green peppers, onions and mushrooms to cook later. Made a year's supply of turkey burgers for me and hamburgers for the boys. And YES I DID put an egg on top of turkey burgers. It was delish!

Do you meal prep?

Sunday, June 28, 2015

FREE 5 Day Clean Eating Challenge

Let's face it, sometimes clean eating can be hard.  When I first started to discover what clean eating meant, I realized I had a lot to learn.  So I learned. =)  I am not an expert, but I love helping other people to see the benefits.

We all are probably going to eat more than we should July 4th weekend.  SO, I decided to put together a 5 day clean eating challenge starting Monday, July 6th.  I have menu options, with recipes, for breakfast, lunch, dinner as well as the recipes.  Snack ideas and a grocery list.  I want to share that with you in hopes to get you started on the right path.  There are requirements - this is to hold you accountable.  And hey, it is free!  Cut off is July 1st to get in.  Please email me at for more information!  Let's do this!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Everyone has a Story

I used to be pretty open about my story, then I go through phases when I am more quiet.  Because I know people think it is silly.  With my job, I have learned everyone has a story.  We train on it, because it is powerful.  It helps others know they are not alone. In my world lots and lots of people share their story.  To the point of rawness.  They share everything.  I admire them.  I respect them. Those not in our world may not understand it and that is OK.

Being bipolar SUCKS.  I hate it.  It has had such an effect on me.  Suffering from depression, anxiety, insomnia, whatever the hell my entire adult life, I was not surprised when they diagnosed me about 3 years ago.  And for about 2 years I felt good . There were those rare occasions when I would have a "day" but for the most part I was happy, productive, I had joy.  It seemed around December when things fell apart.  My meds stopped working, they just stopped.  I developed SEVERE insomnia again.  The worst I have ever had.  I was falling apart. I gained 10 pounds.   I went to 3 hormone Dr's thinking maybe they were out of whack.  Honestly after about 25 vials of blood, they did not help.  I had to start over with my meds.  I have been to my psychiatrist at least once a month since then.  Was there last week  She lets me break down.  She knows it all.  She had tried about 9 different meds to see if something would work.  We are upping the dosage now and I know from years of experience it takes time.  I take a new sleep med and it helps a bit but I still have trouble.  Last night I woke up about 5 times with severe anxiety.  I can't lose the weight . I will be so good, as I know, cause it is my job, and then binge eat because some trigger or emotion.  I quit drinking to see if that would help.  It has been almost two months.  I get pissed.  I have isolated myself.  I have lost friends.  I want to be alone. I am so scatterbrained.  I don't complete tasks.  I don't care.  I feel for my husband and son because I am not the best that I can be and it breaks my heart.  I hurt.  My joy is gone.

I pray, I pray a lot.  I don't spend enough time in the Word.  That is probably my problem right there. The thing I need the most I do the least.  I hide in my work because if I focus on others then I don't think about me.  But then I stop, cause I don't want to deal.  I want to do nothing.  I was the girl that could never get enough, and now I don't want to do anything.  I try not to get mad at God, it is His will and I am fully aware of that.  I am also aware if I would change my perspective, I would feel better. Telling my brain that is another story.

People think I am odd.  I know this.  People think I am too transparent.  Better than pretending I am something that I am not.  Why would she share this stuff?  Because I want to.  Some people prefer to be private and I respect that.  I don't want a pity party. I do this because right now it is my story. Right now it is who I am.  Maybe it might explain my behavior.   Maybe it might help someone.  I have had people come to me, ask questions, talk about how a med worked or did not work.  If I can help them, then I am doing something good.

I will come back, I know it is part of God's plan.  We don't always get a say so.  This time just seems to be taking a LOT longer.  Do I think it is unfair I am different and can't be like others?  You bet. But I also embrace my originality.  Will I still motivate, dream and work hard. Absolutely.

There you have it.  That is my story today.  And who knows what it will be tomorrow!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Fast Food

Let me first say, I love me some Starbucks. I would drink it every day if I let myself. Then afterwards, I would run through a drive through because that would be awesome. I would drink Starbucks and eat Chic Fil A every single day. Then I would go to Market Street and get some Tiramisu or Chocolate Covered Peanuts or both. See, like everyone else, I like food.
BUT, to reach my goals and be healthy, this is unrealistic. I want to live long, be active and healthy. I have learned that my food is my medicine. And that if you don't change your nutrition, you won't lose weight.
Shakeology is my foundation. I drink it every single day because that is how it works. I can't get all of these superfoods unless I have a private jet and travel the world to get these ingredients. ALL natural, no artificial sweetners or fillers, ingredients from the earth. Things that make my body function at its best capacity. Makes my hair as long as Crystal Gale's. Prevents me from getting sick. (I am NEVER sick) Keeps any type of autoimmune disease at bay. Prevents me from taking cholesterol, blood pressure, heart medicine. Yes it does all of this, which is why I talk about it all the time.
If you know me, you know I do my homework on this stuff. Extensively. Ask me. The benefits across the board, the science how it is created, the constant research to make it better.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

I am obsessed with Honey Mustard

I mean, I seriously love the stuff.  I want to swim in it.  I would put it on everything.  I have a bottle of Ken's Honey Mustard here at home.  The ingredients?  High fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, Xanthan gum, something I can't pronounce to protect the flavor, etc.  Probably a brain chip that makes us love it so much.  I know better.  I have tried to find my own, much healthier version.  Did one a couple months ago and it was only OK.  I missed my honey mustard so went on the hunt yesterday.  Found this bad boy.  It is GOOD.

I used fresh squeezed lemon and orgaic raw blue agave.  I will make this again for sure!


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

I am no different than you

Instead of transformation Tuesday, I am going to do truthful Tuesday. I was really focused on my nutrition about 3 weeks solid. Good food. Good portions. Not depriving, just being smart. Saturday night came around and I had a cheat meal. No big deal. Then Sunday. It wasn't bad food but when you eat half a pan of Shakeology bars, that defeats the purpose. Then we went to Studio Grill to see a movie and I are half of my weight in food. I ate SO fast and SO much. For those that know me, I can put it away. I am a binge eating champion. 

When people say they love food? No kidding. I never miss a workout. When you don't eat well it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. I have fought 10 freaking pounds for over 6 months. It is my fault. No matter circumstances or whatnot, I made the choice. Two steps forward, three steps back. My chapter 50 may be different than your chapter 50. My point is I don't know it all. I struggle. I put myself out there to motivate you. It is super easy to sit in my little world and deal. But that is now how this works. We connect, we encourage, relate and help. So - I am going to take more steps forward. Will you?

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

What is a Superfood?

noun: super-food
  1. a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being.

This is the definition of a superfood.  Shakeology has a ton of them.  All in one place.  It was MY game changer.  It first, looks at health, THEN the weight loss and other great benefits come into play. It is literally preventative medicine. I drink it every single day.  Don't get me wrong, I am NOT perfect but I make a lot better choices than I once did.  It is because of this. 

There are 6 categories, each with its own list of super foods and benefits in Shakeology.  ALL in one place.  Take a look

These ingredients aid to boost energy, improve and balance the immune system and endocrine hormones, and help reduce stress.
Gingko Leaf
Maca Root
Maitake Mushroom
Reishi Mushroom

Protect against free radicals, promote an appropriate inflammatory response, and slow down oxidation of the body.
Acai Berries
Goji Berries
Grape Seed
Green Tea
Luo Han Guo
Rose Hips

Digestive Enzymes, Prebiotics, and Probiotics
Aids with digestion, promotes regularity, improves the ability to absorb nutrients.

Essential Amino Acids and Protein
The benefits include building and repairing muscle mass, stabilizing blood sugar levels, reduce cravings, promoting healthier hair, skin, and nails, and finally, supporting optimal brain function that helps improve memory and concentration.
Brown Rick Protein
Pea Protein
Sascha Inchi
Whey Protein

Immune system is improved, aging is slowed down, the body is alkalized and detoxified, and plant nutrients help sustain life.
Barley Grass
Kamut Grass
Oat Grass

Vitamins and Minerals
There are 23 vitamins and minerals in Shakeology.  There is no more need for a multi vitamin.  The help in building and repairing muscle mass, supporting the production of energy, and making it possible for cells to make energy in a more efficient manner.
Folic Acid
Pantothenic Acid
Vitamin A
Vitamins B1, 2, 3, 6, and 12
Vitamin C
Vitamin D
Vitamin K

Each ingredient has a special purpose.  Many of these have been around for tens of thousands of years with great medicinal purpose.  To say it can become a life saver is pretty right on.  We are what we eat.  Our food is medicine.  I always have samples available and amazing recipes because YES it tastes amazing.  For further info please connect with me on one of my social media platforms or email me at  Thank you!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

21 Day Fix Based Cookbook! FIXATE!

Get your pots, pans, and kitchen essentials ready, because Autumn Calabrese's 21 Day Fix-based cookbook, FIXATE, will be released this summer! This all-new cookbook takes Autumn's simple color-coded container portion control system and applies it to 101 of her favorite family recipes. Each FIXATE recipe lists color-coded container equivalents and nutrition facts. Plus, FIXATE includes Paleo, gluten-free, vegan, and vegetarian recipes along with Autumn's personal tips for preparing meals quickly, and stocking your kitchen with absolute must-haves.

SO EXCITED to get my hands on this!  If you want more info, please leave your email below!

Friday, June 5, 2015

Clean Eating

A lot of people say, I am a foodie.  I have trouble with nutrition.  I like to chew my food (when I talk about Shakeology).  To keep it real, we all do.  I know very few personally who just get it right all the time.  It is a commitment and lifestyle that we have to learn, and progress.  I am never saying don't earn that cheesburger BUT less is more.  Healthier options.  I am NOT a cook, but I am making an effort.  Or let's say I am getting better putting food together. =)

We exercise to stay healthy.  And yes, get results BUT the real results are made in the kitchen.  As much as we want to not admit it, it is true.  I NEVER miss a workout but I am struggling with losing 8-9 pounds because I will do well for several days and blow it.  See, I am just like the rest.

SO here are some things I made this week.  If you take the time to make it better, healthy is pretty darn amazing.

Ezekiel English muffin, two eggs, and avocado.

Green peppers, onions mushrooms with coconut oil and you can add whatever seasonings you enjoy.  Be careful of sodium content.  And I also add chicken too.

Greek yogurt (lower in sugar)  Those other yogurts are FILLED with sugar.  Blackberries, almonds and stevia.  Makes a great snack!  Enjoy!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The true benefits of Shakeology

I read yesterday that knowledge is NOT power UNLESS it is put into use.  I try and learn a lot these days.  So I put it to use to benefit my health and hopefully to help benefit the health of others.  For those that know me, I am really into learning about the benefits of Shakeology.  It changed me in such a way, I had to find out WHY.  I was random customer and just had such a transformation, became a Beachbody coach.  From that point, almost 3 years ago, I began my homework.  I am not an expert on it, but I do know a lot.  Darin Olien is the creator and man behind the scenes.  I have listened to phone calls, read his book, SuperLife, attended excellent training at our annual Summit and just today listened to this amazing podcast where he was interviewed by one of own top, I mean like real top coaches.  I was not as prepared as I should have been so you can see my mess of notes as I was doing other things around the house.

Here is some of the interview:  Darin is known as the Super Food hunter.  He travels the world to find ingredients that have had medicinal purposes for tens of thousands of years.  He mentioned the social pressure there is in society of what is "good" for you and what is "not".  We have more control than we think we do of what we put into our bodies.  When Shakeology was created and still to this day, there are teams of people flying around the world.  They are constantly at work, tweaking researching and finding ways to improve it.  They are so careful in their development they do not even use fruits from the US, they get them from the European Union because they are non GMO.  This is a product that leads with health first.  THEN the weight loss comes.  This is about less pain, more energy, better sleep.  It is more than a band aid or quick fix.  We wonder why so many people have degenerative diseases, when by what we put into our bodies can help reject those diseases.  This is prevention without taking a pill.

Several people ask him about nursing and pregnant women drinking Shakeology.  He states, he is not a Dr. BUT all things normal, of course.  (personally I know tons of women who have and do, and was also told yesterday that a Dr said no way to it because it contains soy.  No.  This is where you talk to someone who knows it and read the labels.  Soy produces estrogen and many breast cancer patients and survivors cannot have it.)  SO, yes, it is safe.  It is a lot better for you than some of the foods on the market today.  Again, there are many medicinal ingredients that benefit the body for mom and baby.

And yes, your kids can drink it too!  Oh word, my son, it is a way for him to get some fruit and vegetable servings and all his vitamins and minerals.  He does not drink it as often as we do (every day) but he gets it.

Your body holds disease or rejects it.  I never knew food could be medicine or cause disease.  Now I know.  Fascinating.

Yes you get Shakeology from  me.  I am proud to say that because I have taken the time to want to know to help you.  There are amazing recipes and flavors, and my new favorite is the desserts.  OH MY WORD!  And I know what is in them!

If you have any questions, please ask.  I am happy to answer them.  Thank you!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Buffalo Chicken Dip - A Healthier Option

I LOVE Buffalo Chicken Dip.  I mean LOVE IT.  I had a great recipe I used for a long time and people loved it.  Made it for a lot of parties.  I have not had it in some time.  I came across this one on Pinterest and thought I would give it a go.  I made it TWICE this weekend.  That is how much I loved it.  I really liked the blue cheese crumbles instead of a bottle of dressing.  AND adding greek yogurt (low in sugar) helped too!

The chips are sprouted chips I found at a local grocery store.  I LOVE them and they are way better for you than normal chips.  You want to find something all natural or even veggies works!  I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!