Friday, June 19, 2015

Fast Food

Let me first say, I love me some Starbucks. I would drink it every day if I let myself. Then afterwards, I would run through a drive through because that would be awesome. I would drink Starbucks and eat Chic Fil A every single day. Then I would go to Market Street and get some Tiramisu or Chocolate Covered Peanuts or both. See, like everyone else, I like food.
BUT, to reach my goals and be healthy, this is unrealistic. I want to live long, be active and healthy. I have learned that my food is my medicine. And that if you don't change your nutrition, you won't lose weight.
Shakeology is my foundation. I drink it every single day because that is how it works. I can't get all of these superfoods unless I have a private jet and travel the world to get these ingredients. ALL natural, no artificial sweetners or fillers, ingredients from the earth. Things that make my body function at its best capacity. Makes my hair as long as Crystal Gale's. Prevents me from getting sick. (I am NEVER sick) Keeps any type of autoimmune disease at bay. Prevents me from taking cholesterol, blood pressure, heart medicine. Yes it does all of this, which is why I talk about it all the time.
If you know me, you know I do my homework on this stuff. Extensively. Ask me. The benefits across the board, the science how it is created, the constant research to make it better.

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