Friday, April 10, 2015

Social Media

I shared this on my Facebook page so wanted to share here too. Being that it is my blog, I guess I can write what I want? We all can. =) Have an amazing weekend! Social media is so interesting. I mean, it is how I do my job, so I see a lot. Two posts I have seen in the past couple of days. "I am not paying for it, I want it for free" Don't. We. All. Then someone bashing someone for being pregnant and healthy. And I know I have been blocked and unfriended because of my "annoying" posts because I want to help people? Lots of people share workout pictures. Lots of people use social media to promote ALL kinds of businesses. SOCIAL MEDIA IS OUR WORLD THESE DAYS. Almost to the point I need to be slapped around and remind myself to live my life. Yes, I own that. Because of social media I found something that changed my life. I am able to educate myself, learn, grow, meet new amazing people. I learned to change MYSELF. Cause it doesn't change on its own. It is not free, and it doesn't happen by sitting there. Don't hate on others. It is not nice, be happy for them and their success. I had to change my mind, I am always working on my body. Shoot. I share what I do two-fold. I am affiliated with something that is powerful and giving. Fitness, nutrition and accountability. I also am able to make a living doing something I love instead of going to a job I hate. I mean, in a few days I am going on a trip to Cancun because I plugged in and helped others. Life is not always easy. There are things that happen that are out of our control. The more I have God in my life, the more I know it is going to be OK no matter what. I also know he gave us free will so I have to do my part. Work on change. Work on your heart. Be kind to others. Work on your life. Have a goal. I am going to post this before I get too chicken and delete it. And in the words of the author of You are a Badass, Love yourself.

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