Monday, April 13, 2015

Battle Frog Dallas

On Saturday, my husband and I did the Battle Frog in the Dallas area. If you don't know what it is, it is a run/obstacle course designed by Navy Seals. OH. MY. GOSH. I trained. And trained hard. Lots of T25, Insanity Max 30 and Asylum. Thanks Shaun T! BUT, I was Still pretty much out of commission yesterday. Tired, sore, bruised from head to toe. It was also the biggest rush ever. To do that with my husband? TOGETHER? It was so so so awesome. This particular race was supposed to be 15K but they changed it to 8K. That was enough for us. What is crazy is there are a group called Elite. They just do the course over and over and over again. Made me feel like a lazy bum! BUT, I did obstacles and things I NEVER THOUGHT I would do. I mean mind blowing. Apparently I am afraid of heights because some of these obstacles were so hight it scared the crap out of me. BUT, I threw my leg over and carried on. I did this monkey bar thing with my feet across water I never ever thought possible. I had just finished reading You Are a Badass that is exactly how I felt Saturday.
I felt a connection to my husband I had not felt in a long time. It was so amazing. We said we found a new date thing to do! Yesterday I said I would never do it again. BUT, when I look back at what I accomplished, I believe I will reconsider. We are registered for the Tough Mudder in October. The mud doesn't bother us. You just take a shower.
After the race you get a free beer. Just one, then you have to buy them. We like good beer, so with the selection being limited, just had one. And we laughed at how far the beer tent was from the race. It was like more work to get there. I mean you ucan hardly see the start and finish line! BUT, all of us were doing it. You know that beer tasted GREAT and was well deserved.
I loved doing this. I loved the confidence it gave me. Never would I have done this 3 years ago. I have gained such strength and cofindence that I feel I can do whatever I want. I don't let fear hold me back. I do struggle with self confidence like a lot of women but the minute a bad thought gets inside my head, I make it go away. We are capable of SO MUCH MORE THAN WE REALIZE. You have the potential!

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