Sunday, April 5, 2015

Offering a Solution

I hope you had an amazing Easter celebrating with your family. Such an important day! I did a lot of learning this weekend. Sometimes I just need to. To be reminded of why I do what I do and WHY I share it. I don't know everything. I don't ridicule someone if they do something different than me. I am always learning and you bet always messing up. That is part of the journey. I have learned that exercise is not the enemy. It is for my mental clarity. If I want results then I need to not be "on a diet" but "have a diet". It is a lifestyle and about balance. Sometimes that balance gets WAY off track. You then learn to get back up. I did not create Beachbody, but it sure as heck works for me. FITNESS, NUTRITION, ACCOUNTABILITY. If I were to try a new restaurant, I am going to tell my friends about it. If I find a new store, will tell you about it too. So why would I not tell you about this kick butt way to get it in gear. To be Me-sponsible? (Can't take credit, one of my group members shared it with our group). Accountablity groups work. You have to take charge. Sometimes that is HARD. I KNOW. Again why group support is helpful. People will say they need to lose weight and then don't do anything. If you are happy, then you are happy! Rock on! But if you are not happy, then yes, it is an investment. So is opening a franchise, shopping for clothes, drive thrus. (and think about buying a size smaller clothes) Think about your RETURN on investment. Did you ever think of that? I made an investment 3 years ago. At the time we had to make choices to get Shakeology. Chic fil A was a few times a week thing (and dang I still love it, just don't go there near as often). One of the smartest investments and changes ever made. smile emoticon Give me 30 days. Private facebook group. Support from others in the same boat. Beachbody workout and Shakeology. We will figure it out together. Let me help you show you your own ability.
Here are some of my current group memebers and what it has done for them: ShakeO has done amazing things for my hair. I haven't been sick once since I began drinking it even though my family has been. Thirdly, it is also an easy meal to make at home or on the road that fills me up.BB programs have changed my lifestyle for the better. My favorite is p90x out of what I have tried. P90x3 is second. I think Tony Horton is the best at what he does. Accountability groups keep me motivated. They challenge me to try new things, think out of my box, and take on challenges that I wouldn't alone. Shakeology is one of the best things ever. Since I've starting drinking it my psoriasis has almost cleared up. Also I don't have cravings like I did before. I haven't been sick either since I've been drinking it. There is so many other great things about it I could go on forever. I only have a few bb programs but like them each for different reasons. The 21 day fix is a great fast workout when time is limited. Insanity makes me feel so accomplished when I finish a workout. It pushes me to my limit and I love it. Accountability groups are great!! When I'm having a sluggish don't wanna exercise kinda day I can get on the group and see that everyone else is pushing themselves which motivates me to get moving. I also have learned new recipes and products that'll help me get to my goal. A group literally changed my life. How do you think I got here? Let's go We have work to do, which, yes includes me. Make you matter. Contact me at, or find me on Facebook!

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