Sunday, February 22, 2015

Day 11-14

Does life get so busy you don't know which end is up? I always say no one is busier than anyone else. We all have a lot on our plate right? I respect that. We also handle stress differently. Some, better than others. My stress level has been through the roof, I won't lie. We are trying to sell our house and have had about 80 showings. I am not sleeping which causes havoc on your body. WHAT I do know is this: When I exercise and eat right it helps! I fight and will fight some more. I learn and learn some more on how to better take care of me so I can help others take care of themselves. Right now my focus has been sharing the 21 Day Fix Extreme with you. This program just has it ALL. Nutrition guide, workouts. EVERYTHING. I have been nailing these workouts. They are awesome. You can do so much in 30 minutes. Be sore, sweat. They are very effective. Food has been harder this around BUT I am doing pretty well. (And being honest) When you don't sleep, your body and brain do crazy things. You crave certain things. I have tried VERY hard to not cave but admit I have had moments. I have also had moments where I have WON. I have an accountability group who is doing this with me and they are killing it! The support, the motivation, the friendships we are developing is such a blessing. A bunch of women from all over the place just helping each other out. That is why I write, that is why I share, that is why I want to motivate. If you read this, please leave a comment. Does it have an impact. Does it help? What would you like to see? Day 14 is in full swing. 7 more days to go. And I will do it again.

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