Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Why Am I a Beachbody Coach

I started to make a list yesterday and could not stop:
WHY I love being a Beachbody Coach:
I am my own boss.
I work my own hours, which allows me to be present for my family when I want and when needed.
I don't have to call in sick or ask for time off.
I can work ANYWHERE.
I have a far greater reach through social media, than I do in one focused location. I can literally reach the world.
I learned to love learning again (or maybe for the first time).
I hold myself accountable by helping others stay accountable.
There is no dress code. smile emoticon
My future, pay check, decisions are up to ME. Not a boss, or the economy.
I can provide the same opportunity to others. The only prerequisite is that you have a desire to help others and that you are fun because we would be working together. =))
No, I don't care that it is network marketing. I didn't know when I signed up, it didn't change my desire to do it. Who cares.
I get to use the top rated, at home fitness programs to show others what they are capable of accomplishing, no matter age, location or situation.
I get to help people find themselves again AND to love themselves, maybe for the first time.
I get to share, un-apologetically, the most tested, natural, superfood product on the market to date.
I get to see people transform physically, mentally, spiritually.
I cry because I love what I do so much and it doesn't feel like work. And yes it didn't happen until 40 so it is never too late to do something you love.
I have met some amazeballs people
My confidence and self worth have increased one million percent. Even when I don't feel my best.
I love to read/listen to material that makes me a better person. I never did that before. I actually made fun of it.
It taught me to care about health and nutrition. Doesn't mean I always follow it, but I know.
I get to be ME. Whether a train wreck, happy, sad, hot mess, silly, fun, BLESSED.
Sure they are skeptics. I see it every day. They are skeptics with all sorts of stuff. I know what I know. I do what I know. I love what I do. I am thankful I have support that allows me to do it. THIS is why I share it. Why wouldn't I?

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