Monday, March 30, 2015

We got the news that our buyers for our house did not get their financing Saturday morning. Crushed does not describe it. We can't get our new house without this one selling. For someone that does not know me you are probably like shut up, you are getting to build a new house. But again, we can't get it without our current one selling. We frantically ran around like maniacs cleaning and putting it in some order. See, we have sold A TON of stuff so clothes are all over the floor and what not. I was just feeling like myself again and felt this kicked me back big time. You ask yourself why? Why did this happen? Why all of these setbacks. For real? Are you kidding? Thank guy the handsome man here puts up with me and my crap. I don't know what I would do without him. It was a beautiful day and we had showings so we sat outside and strategized. He gives me hope and reminds me of what is important.
Then came Sunday. Oh, I woke up and it was not a nightmare. =) It was another day of doubt and a showing. Then last night I watched Killing Jesus. It shook me to my core. Perspective. Reminder. This stuff will take care of itself. Does it suck? YES. Will other things suck? Yes. But guess what? Jesus loves me. He loves you. He did something pretty amazing for ALL OF US. I wish the world could see that. There is so much negativitity and horrible actions. I have to remind myself ALL the time about HIM. He wil take care of me. He is going to take care of you too.
We learn from trials. We grow from struggle. That is why I love helping other women. I do it in a different style than some but I am trying to provide hope, encouragment and a solution. We seem to be tied to how we look and therefore how we feel. Me too. I ate and drank like crap all weekend. I know that feeling. So I just want to offer support and encouragment to those that need it. In my own way. God chose this path for me so I will use it. And remember, He loves us all.

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