Sunday, May 17, 2015

Dread the Monday Commute?

People have this perception of Network Marketing. One, they are all different. When I signed up to be a Beachbody Coach, I honestly did not know it was network marketing. Had no freaking clue. I didn't care. I loved what I was doing. Someone shared today that Bill Gates said if he had to do it all over again, he would choose network marketing. Here are Donald Trumps comments.
With that said, I have heard/watched a few things that resonated with me over the weekend. One was a TV show and the other from church. Random, right? I sometimes catch ridicule for sharing my passion, but today I learned "this is who I am and this is what I do". Never apologize for being you. Even the ugly. It is part of who we are and how we develop. I found something that had a huge impact on me. It still helps me through tough times. Why would I not share? Just like a friend telling you about her new favorite nail color or posting a picture of her pretty toes. We just want to share because we are excited. This is too good to keep to myself. People need to eat food and move their bodies. I just provide a solution that worked for me. People also need to make a living. People hate their jobs, don't make enough to pay the bills and are miserable. So, why again, would I not offer something to help? NO ONE is ever an expert at anything, until you train to do it. I am still not an expert but a hell of a lot farther than I was almost 3 years ago. You make time to do what matters. You make the hard decisions (which I still have to do to this day). You can make things a lot better. I was watching Shark Tank. I don't watch it often because it bums me that these people get rejected. But then I realized I get rejected every single day. I am used to it now. Not everyone will agree with me, or have to dig this thing. It is all good. ANYWAY, it hit me. These people are asking for buttoads of money. Like hundreds of thousands of dollars. They want this for marketing, manufacturing costs, general investors so they can grow, distributors, and help with infrastructure. They have already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars themselves. Hey, props to them for going after what they want. But it hit me, I kind hit the jackpot. $39.95 - I am handed millions of dollars in advertising, my business model is set up for me, I don't stock or manufacture anything myself, I have a distribution center at my finger tips. All I do? Continue to learn what I need to so I can HELP OTHERS. That in turn made me a business owner. Tomorrow? I don't have to dread the commute. If you have a commute? Think about not having one. Making a small sacrifice so you have freedom down the road. This is not about getting rich quick cause that is not how it works. It is about a genuine change in your life for the better. Not everyone is loaded. A lot of people need help. I have seen the girl at Target whose debit card was rejected make a decision for a better life . Or the homeless family that popped in a workout DVD and had such a transformation that they decided to take the next step. Do something different. Take a chance. Take a look and see we are from all walks of life. THIS MATTERS or I would not share it so openly. It changed me it can change you. Tomorrow night one hour live chat. What Beachbody Coaching IS AND IS NOT. 8PM Central. Take a look and see for yourself. No commitment just observation. I take this seriously. =) I can add you to the event if interested. Set yourself up for an amazing week!

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