Tuesday, October 13, 2015

"I can do anything I put my mind to"

Sometimes we want to give up before we even started.  It looks hard, we think we can't do it, without even trying.  One of my jobs is to help with that mind shift.  This is more mental than physical.  Letting your guard down, trying something different, or for the fist time, can literally change everything.  I love this story.  It is true transformation for a better quality of life.   Take the first step, especially before the holidays to have a plan in place.  What is stopping you?

“I can do anything I put my mind to. I learned that being healthy and strong are necessary for a fulfilling life.”

For most of my life, I felt like the fattest person in the room. I was made fun of, called names, treated poorly by many, including family and friends. To escape this emotional cruelty I turned to food. When I found out I was pregnant it was bittersweet because I was 5 months along and didn’t even know it. I used my pregnancy as an excuse to eat even more—after all, I was eating for two. As the years passed, I got dangerously heavy and even walking a few steps left me breathless. Everyday tasks, such as shopping and driving, were nearly impossible because my stomach was so huge.
Thankfully my sister, who’s also my Beachbody Coach, told me all about 21 Day Fix and encouraged me to give it a try. In the beginning I couldn’t even get through one workout, even the modified version. But I refused to quit and every day I could see and feel I was making progress. I loved Autumn as a trainer. She’s so motivating and uplifting and I felt as if she truly cared about me and wouldn’t let me fail.
The other part of the program that was key to me losing so much weight was the portion-control containers. These things are absolutely amazing because they take all the guesswork out of eating. I LOVE THEM! And I will use them forever. I also drank Shakeology every day throughout the program and still do. It took away my cravings while fueling my body with proper nutrition. Without Shakeology I never would have achieved the amazing results that I did!
21 Day Fix and Shakeology have changed my self-image completely. I am healthy and strong. And until now, I’ve never been able to look in a mirror and smile at the girl who’s looking back at me. I can get in and out of my car with no problem. But beyond all that, I’m most proud of the inches I’ve lost—which is almost 100!

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