Thursday, June 4, 2015

The true benefits of Shakeology

I read yesterday that knowledge is NOT power UNLESS it is put into use.  I try and learn a lot these days.  So I put it to use to benefit my health and hopefully to help benefit the health of others.  For those that know me, I am really into learning about the benefits of Shakeology.  It changed me in such a way, I had to find out WHY.  I was random customer and just had such a transformation, became a Beachbody coach.  From that point, almost 3 years ago, I began my homework.  I am not an expert on it, but I do know a lot.  Darin Olien is the creator and man behind the scenes.  I have listened to phone calls, read his book, SuperLife, attended excellent training at our annual Summit and just today listened to this amazing podcast where he was interviewed by one of own top, I mean like real top coaches.  I was not as prepared as I should have been so you can see my mess of notes as I was doing other things around the house.

Here is some of the interview:  Darin is known as the Super Food hunter.  He travels the world to find ingredients that have had medicinal purposes for tens of thousands of years.  He mentioned the social pressure there is in society of what is "good" for you and what is "not".  We have more control than we think we do of what we put into our bodies.  When Shakeology was created and still to this day, there are teams of people flying around the world.  They are constantly at work, tweaking researching and finding ways to improve it.  They are so careful in their development they do not even use fruits from the US, they get them from the European Union because they are non GMO.  This is a product that leads with health first.  THEN the weight loss comes.  This is about less pain, more energy, better sleep.  It is more than a band aid or quick fix.  We wonder why so many people have degenerative diseases, when by what we put into our bodies can help reject those diseases.  This is prevention without taking a pill.

Several people ask him about nursing and pregnant women drinking Shakeology.  He states, he is not a Dr. BUT all things normal, of course.  (personally I know tons of women who have and do, and was also told yesterday that a Dr said no way to it because it contains soy.  No.  This is where you talk to someone who knows it and read the labels.  Soy produces estrogen and many breast cancer patients and survivors cannot have it.)  SO, yes, it is safe.  It is a lot better for you than some of the foods on the market today.  Again, there are many medicinal ingredients that benefit the body for mom and baby.

And yes, your kids can drink it too!  Oh word, my son, it is a way for him to get some fruit and vegetable servings and all his vitamins and minerals.  He does not drink it as often as we do (every day) but he gets it.

Your body holds disease or rejects it.  I never knew food could be medicine or cause disease.  Now I know.  Fascinating.

Yes you get Shakeology from  me.  I am proud to say that because I have taken the time to want to know to help you.  There are amazing recipes and flavors, and my new favorite is the desserts.  OH MY WORD!  And I know what is in them!

If you have any questions, please ask.  I am happy to answer them.  Thank you!

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